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Oce ALG Well


Indication:- Allergy due to all type of dust, common allergy as rhinitis paroxysmal, sneezing, running eyes and nose Itching of eyes and throat


SKU: N/A Category:

Composition:- Solanum Lycopersicum 3X, Allium Cepa 3X, Badiaga 3X, Grindelia Q, Ambrosia Q, Sabadilla 3X,Pothos Foetidus 3X, Squillo Q, Arundo Q.

लक्षण:- सभी प्रकार के धूल के कारण होने वाली एलर्जी , सामान्य एलर्जी जैसे नाक की सूजन , आँख नाक से पानी बहना और गले मे खराश।

Dosage:- Adults 1-2 tea spoon children 1 tea spoon 3 times a day. or As Directed By the physician


Pack Size

100 ml, 200 ml, 450 ml