Composition:- Kalmegh Q China Q Carica Papaya Q Chelidonium Mayjus Q Nux Vomica Q Alfalfa Q
Indication:- An effective remedy for disorder for new born babies and children for convulsions, griping pain,Acidity, Flatulency, teething distress. diarrhoea etc.
लक्षण:- नवजात शिशुओ और बच्चो के पेट में दर्द, मरोड़, वायु की व्याधि,अजीर्ण तथा दाँत निकलने के दिनो के रोगो की अत्यन्त प्रभावशाली षाध।
Dosage:- 5-7 drops 3-4 times a day with1/4 cup of water.or As Directed By the physician
Packing:- 30ml