Composition:- Angustura Vera 3x, Arnica Montana 3x, Bryonia Alba 3x, Calcarea Phosphorica 3x, Hypericum Perforatum 3x, Rhus Toxicodendron 6x, Ruta Graveolens 3x, Symphytum Officinale 3x.
Indication:- Cervical, spondlylosis, pain in neck and shoulders muscles and bones, rheumatic. Disorders cures all types of sprains and strains.
लक्षण:- सरवाईकल का उपचार, गर्दन व कन्धो की मांसपेशियों व हड्डियों । के दर्द का निवारण।
Dosage:- Adults: 15-20 drops 3-4 times a day 1/4 cup with water. or As Directed By the physician
Packing:- 30ml.