Composition:- Carduus Marianus Q Chelidonium Majus Q Cholestrinum 5X Colocynthis 3X Lycopodium
Clavatum 3X Guatteria Gaumeri Q Nux Vomica 3X.
Indication:- Increase fat values in blood, high cholesterol. Promotion of Proper fat metabolism helps
with weight loss programs.
लक्षण:- खून में वसा की अधिकता, कोलेस्ट्रॉल बढने वसा के उचित | चयापचय को बढ़ाना , वजन घटाने में सहायक।
Dosage:- Adults 15-20 drops with 1/4 cup of water 3-4 time a day. or As Directed By the physician
Packing:- 30ml.