Indication:- Increases height, obesty andexcessive anger in growing Children.
लक्षण :- बढ़ते बच्चों की लम्बाई,मोटापा और चिड॒चिडेपन के लिए।
Dosage:- 5-10 drops 3-4 times a day with1/4 lil cup of water.or As Directed By the physician
Composition:-A Baryta Carbonica 3x Baryta Phosphorica 6x Calcarea Fluorica 3x Calcarea Phosphorica 3x
Composition:-B Chamomilla Q Silicea 3xThuyja Occidentalis 3x
Packing:- 30ml.
Indication:- Increases height, obesty andexcessive anger in growing Children.
लक्षण :- बढ़ते बच्चों की लम्बाई,मोटापा और चिड॒चिडेपन के लिए।
Dosage:- 5-10 drops 3-4 times a day with1/4 lil cup of water.or As Directed By the physician