Composition:- Hydrastis canadensis 3X, Kali Bromatum 3X,Lemna Minor 3X, Bryonia Alba 3X, Sanguinaria Canadensis 3X
Indication:- Nasal polyp, chronic & acute sinus running nose, sneezing, red eyes due to Inflammation of sinus,allergic rhinitis.
लक्षण :- नाक में गांठ बनने/साईनस के संक्रमण के कारण नाक बंद रहना ,नाक से पानी बहना , लगातार छींके आना आदि में उपयोगी।
Dosage:- Adults: 15-20 drops with 1/4 cup of water 3-4 time a day (Children Half Dosage of Adult) or As Directed By the physician
Packing :- 30ml.