Composition:- Atropinum 6x, Bromium 3x, Hekla Lava 3x, Iodium 3x, Lapis albus 3x, Lycopus Virginicus 3x, Natrum Muriaticum 3x,Spongia Tosta 3x, Thyroidinum 3x,
Indication:- Enlargment of thyroid gland , throid cysts,goitre.
लक्षण :- थायराइड ग्रन्थि का बढ़ना, थायराइड गांठे, घेंघा।
Dosage:- Adults: 15-20 drops 3-4 times a day (children Half Dosage of adult) with 1/4 cup of water. or As Directed By the physician
Packing :- 30ml.