OCE BP WELL (Twin Pack)
Composition:-A Rauvolfia Serpentina Q Altium Sativam Q Crataegus Oxycantha Q Aconite Napeilus 3x Chelidonium Majus Q
Composition:-B Glonoinum 3x Natrum E Muriaticum 3x Lachesis 4x Baryta Muriaticm 4x Ignatia Amara 3x
Indication:- Useful in controlling both low । and high blood pressure. Disturbance of blood pressure is due to hypertension or hypotension. Excess or low intake of calories.
लक्षण :- अव्यवरिथित स्नायुविक क्रिया के कारण उत्पन्न उच्च. को नियन्त्रित करने में सहायक।
Dosage:- 15-20 drops from A & B Bottles difference between 20-25 Min 3-4 Time a daywith 1/4 Cup of Water, (Children Half dosage of Adult) or As Directed By the physician.